What is Earth Day?

You have probably heard about Earth Day at one point or another.  You’re probably wondering what it’s about.  Is it a protest, a celebration, a call to action?  Actually, it’s a little bit of all.  It is the mark of the birth of the modern environmental movement, back in 1970.

It is the moment in time, when people started realizing that they have to take care of our planet Earth.  People were polluting, being wasteful, just wanting more without any regard of the environment, there was a massive oil spill in Santa Barbara a year before etcetera.

Gaylord Nelson, Earth Day Founder and a US senator back then, came up with the idea of using the movements that were active back then to increase environmental consciousness. 

Years later, he would receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom for his work.  On April 22nd, 1970, twenty million Americans took to the streets to demonstrate for a more sustainable and environmentally aware society.

For the first time, large amount of people and different groups were united in the goal to decrease pollution, protect our environment, prevent wildlife deterioration, avoid oil spills, get rid of toxins, pesticides and more.  The same year, the Clean Air, Clean Water and Endangered Species Acts were passed.

Since then, several other large campaign have successfully launched in the name of Earth Day.  The campaign has also spread tremendously on the international scene.  Today, more than a billion people celebrate Earth Day.  

By going to EarthDay.org, you can access a lot of useful information on how to reduce your carbon footprint, save paper, eat less meat, recycle and so much more.  You can also get involved by simply receiving their newsletters, make a small donation or volunteering.

Join the movement today and make a difference in your life and the life of the ones who follow.

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