Things To Know

On this page you can find articles & videos on how to use our platform and resources.

But first of all...

Let’s define “adventure” and “explorers”.  EUxplore was built to make it easier to explore Europe in ways which are otherwise difficult to achieve due to the information we require being very randomly spread out over many different platforms and websites.  

Within the EUxplore platform, we’ve combined a social community platform with our EUxplore destination map, route map, events and related content to make it easier for you, as modern day explorers, to find what you’re looking for (or might stumble on something you weren’t looking for).

Regardless how you travel, we're all explorers.

When you travel, you get out of your comfort zone. You go see things you haven't before and experience cultures, traditions and customs you aren't used to.

This is adventure, whether you stay in 5 star resorts, backpack your way through countries or drive an RV or overlanding vehicle.

We believe exploring is an essential part of living, no matter the scale or how you do it.

How to use our social network.

The community part of EUxplore is designed to share stories, inspire and find answers to your Europe travel related questions.

The social network consists of:

  • Your personal profile which you can use to share anything you would like with our members only community.  You can add friends, earn badges, add pictures and much more.
  • Conversation groups where you can read up on specific topics or ask questions for our community to help you find answers to.
  • User’s blogs which members can use to share their own journals, stories, experiences or adventures.  This is a great place to post your content in an organized manner to share with the EUxplore community.
  • Meet ups and events.  Members can add events as long as they comply with our rules and guidelines.  These can be one of many different categories.


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How to use the EUxplore destination map.

Use our members only EUxplore map to find unique and compelling destinations and points of interest.  Both the EUxplore staff and our community continuously add markers to this map, organized in countless categories to ensure you find some great spots to visit, stay or explore.

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How to add destinations and points of interest to the EUxplore map.

our platform is community based, which means the more members interact and support each other, the better it becomes.  As a member, you can add your favorite spots and destinations to the EUxplore map.  This way you help your fellow travelers and explorers into finding unique or helpful places to go while you’re traveling through Europe.

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How to use the EUxplore routes & tracks map.

The EUxplore routes and tracks map enables our members to find and download GPX and KML files to use with their GPS or mobile devices.  All routes are labeled in specific categories and difficulty ratings which makes finding them so much easier.

Members can share their favorite tracks and add valuable information along with it.

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