How To Lower Your Carbon Footprint

Your carbon footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide and carbon compounds released by the usage of fossil fuels by an individual, group, industry etcetera.  We all have a carbon footprint but you can dramatically change the extent of it by the actions you take.

To help lower your carbon footprint and do your part in protecting the environment and our planet, we have accumulated some actions you can take part in:

Purchasing and consuming locally grown food.  Transporting goods is a large contributor to greenhouse gasses.

Cut the animal products.  Raising livestock takes a lot of natural resources and the feeding grounds take away from native vegetation.

Leave the car at home.  Use public transport, walk or bike to your destination whenever possible.  

Carpool with colleagues.  This makes sure several cards stay at home.  Why multiply the carbon dioxide output twice, threefold or more if you can carpool?

Buy a more efficient vehicle.  Nowadays, there plenty of options.  You can buy a more efficient gas vehicle or more preferable: a hybrid or electric car.

Adjust your driving style.  Ease up on the accelerations and braking.  These simply waste energy.

Double check or upgrade your insulation and seal any leaks.  This is easy to do with expandable foam.  Less drafts means less heating and cooling!

Use energy efficient appliances to lower your electricity usage.

Use a smart thermostat or turn down the heat manually.

Install solar panels.  Prices have gone down dramatically and there are many incentives out there to make it worth the investment.

Reuse or recycle whatever you can.  Not only does the fabrication of these materials release greenhouse gasses, but disposing of them does as well.  

Stop junk mail.  Believe it or not, the circulation of junk mail produces more greenhouse gasses than 2.8 million cars.  Unsubscribe from mailing lists will reduce your share.

Install LED bulbs in your home.

Be aware of your consumption in every day life.  Turn off the lights when you exit a room, print on both sides of paper, don’t waste food, don’t leave the heat on while a window is open etcetera.  These small changes have a large impact.

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