Best Ways To Stay Fit While Traveling

If you’re quite the gym addict, love your routine or simply enjoy working out, chances are that you don’t want to ruin your training habit during travel. Sticking to your routine is key to long term success so kudos to you!

In this article, we discuss some of the best ways to complete those workouts, despite not having the comforts of your gym back home.

Research gyms before you get there.

Know what they offer, hours of operation, drop in fees and proximity to your sleeping arrangements. This eliminates the element of surprise. You can also drop the gym an email to give them a heads up and ask some questions.

Stick to your plan.

Make up some goals before you leave. They could be the same as usual but review them just in case. It is very likely you’ll have to lower your expectations. When traveling, plans can change quickly so don’t reach for the stars but keep your goals realistic. Remember: it’s better to be on maintenance mode than not do anything at all.

Bring a pair of running shoes.

If you like running, this is a great (and easy) way to get your training in, as well as sightseeing. Maybe ask around for areas to avoid, just in case.

Use the outdoors.

Even without a gym, you can create challenging training sessions by using the elements around you. Step up lunges on a bench, pull ups on a tree branch, do sprints between lanterns, bear crawls in the sand etcetera. If you’re not sure what your workout should look like, check out the next tip…

Find yourself a training program.

There are plenty of great training programs available. These can help you accomplish your training anywhere you go. They might teach you some new things and keep you accountable, as well as add a new twist to your routine.

Bring a suspension trainer.

This is probably one of the best pieces of equipment
you can find. You can use it in your room, as well as outside on a pole or beam. Your options are countless and it offers a safe but challenging workout, not matter what your goals and/or limitations are.

Complete random sets throughout the day.

Even though it may not offer complete muscle fatigue, it’s enough of a stimulus to keep your body on point during your travel time. When possible, drop down for a few sets and repeat throughout the day. You’ll be surprised how many reps you can accumulate by the end of the day.

If your hotel has a great gym, take advantage of it during the slow times.

This way, you won’t have an issue using the equipment you need.

Be adventurous. If you’re in a great spot for it, go adventure and have fun.

Take a hike, go kayaking or rafting, rock climbing, biking etcetera. Consider this your workout and take advantage of these opportunities while you can.

I hope this helps you during your travels. Just remember, taking some time off won’t make you loose all your progress either. If you travel a lot for work, by all means try to stick with a routine. However, if you go on vacation for one week and have been working out consistently all year, taking some time off might be a good idea as well.

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